What Did Pollsters Get Wrong and How Have Voting Blocs Evolved?

The Federalist Radio Hour show

Summary: Emily Ekins, Research Fellow and Director of Polling at the Cato Institute, joins Ben Domenech in studio to discuss what pollsters got wrong this year and some of the surprising data that is still being processed. When you have a lot of third-party voters, it creates a lot of uncertainty in the polls and thats what were seeing play out in the results, Ekins said. In swing states where Trump won, third-party votes actually exceeded the margin. This election also revealed that the emerging democratic majority theory was based on voter behavior that didnt happen as expected. Many hispanics are first or second generation Americans and over time their incomes are going to rise, education levels are going to rise, Ekins said. And as a result their going to be voting more Republican. I think most social scientists acknowledge this. Later in the hour, Ekins takes the Bubble Quiz.