Bram Weinstein Talks Future of Sports News and Entertainment

The Federalist Radio Hour show

Summary: Bram Weinstein, former SportsCenter host and now host of the Bram Weinstein show on ESPN 980, discussed the changing landscape of sports media, behind the scenes of ESPN, and how our political media overlaps with sports news. They discussed the extent to which non-sports conversations, specifically political topics, are becoming more frequent in sports media. [ESPN] toggles between a very tough place of being a news organization and also being an entertainment purveyor and finding that middle ground with the talent and content is very difficult, Weinstein said. ESPN has lost millions of subscribers this year as more customers cut the cord. Theyre the biggest and they have a large portion of money that comes from cable subscribers that effects their bottom line, he said. So when 10 million people stop paying that monthly, their bottom line gets affected more than anybody else.