The Cold Hard Truth about the Rand Campaign

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Alright everyone, As you know I've attempted to hold my tongue as much as possible so that the Rand campaign could gain some more momentum, and I didn't want to taint your view of our only Liberty-Minded candidate up for office. But, I just can't do that today. After the caucuses in Iowa, Rand has placed 5th. Today on the show I talk about the future of their campaign, the problems they have had, and if there is any hope left there needs to be a drastic change immediately! We also discuss other candidates, and how monopolies can exist in a free market. So reach out to the Rand camp and tell them fifth place won't win the election, and that we want more fire and passion from him to sway the votes for liberty. Share this episode, or share the clip I'll be posting on YouTube. Let's get some more fire into the Rand camp, if they really want to succeed, his supporters want to see a change for the better! -Jason