The Boycott of Target and Al-Sadr Strikes the Heart of Bagdad

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: I'm going to warn you that this is going to be a difficult episode for those of you with delicate sensibilities. I've been frustrated over the last few weeks because I've realized that most of the blowback I get from my positions come not from progressives or conservatives but rather from libertarians. That's somewhat disconcerting since I'm far more critical of both the left and the right, but it seems I just can't get away from the thin skinned libertarian who demands I conform to his narrow view of right and wrong. What attracted me most to libertarianism was the "live and let live" philosophy that bedrock much of the work from great classical liberal and libertarian minds. What I have found after expressing my views openly is a culture of open hostility and in many cases narrowmindedness. Maybe this is a venting day for me. Maybe I'll feel differently tomorrow, but when I started this show, I never imagined I'd be defending myself not from the progressives on the left of the neocons on the right but the libertarians who claim to want the same things I do.