Cruz Crumbles and Puerto Rico Defaults

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Cruz is mounting his last stand against Donald Trump in Indiana tonight. They're mixed signals, but all signs are leaning toward another Trump victory. Even if Cruz manages a victory, it will likely be a narrow one. What I've seen from the Cruz campaign over the last several weeks is desperation. They know it's close to being over. A defeat tonight might not technically mean the end of the campaign but in the eyes of the media and the voter, he's finished. From there we move to Puerto Rico where the government just defaulted on 400 million in debt. They've got another 70 billion behind that, and it's becoming evident that they don't have the ability to pay a penny of it back. What does this mean for you? That's going to be up to Congress. Right now they're trying to find a way to allow legally PR to default on the debt and save themselves from the uncomfortable position of having to pay for a bailout. It's a mess out there. Have a laugh where you can.