TRUMP: The Man People Want and the Myth Created to Sell Him

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Trump recently release his seven-point health care overhaul plan and for anyone looking for a conservative, common sense approach to revamping the health care system it's going to bring a smile to your face. I run through all seven on the show today. Give it a listen. But the devil is in the details. Not the details of how he gets the plan through Congress, I'm talking about the pesky details surrounding his inability to maintain a consistent message. It was not that long ago that Trump gave us his tax plan. A wonderful conservative document similar to the health care plan he just laid out. In it, he boasted of tax cuts for all, even the highest earners. Now he's singing a different tune. And what about the minimum wage? In the debates, he told us he thought the minimum wage should stay where it is, but now he's saying it may need to go up. So what gives? Who is the real Donald Trump? What does he honestly believe. I think Trump himself may not know. What I am convinced of is Trump's health care plan is not worth the paper it's written on. And that's too bad. It truly was a plan worth getting behind.