Confessions of Congressman "X"

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: There's a new book coming out written by a former congressman and it is juicy. It would appear this congressman pulls no punches on both his colleagues in the American people. Honestly, I can't wait to read it. Then we're going to move to an interesting video of a few cops who let their emotion get away with them. I'll let you see the result for yourself. Some people will tell me that I need to let all the facts emerge before passing judgment but in this case, there's no need. It's clear these officers went to work on a man who was passively surrendering. It's a clear abuse of force, and I would image some cops are going to finding work as truck drivers soon. Finally, we'll talk about an article writing at breaking down this election season and why libertarians have not played a bigger role. I still think there's time, but the authors got a lot right. It's a show of many topics today. Don't forget to share it with your friends. Jason