European Socialism and the Rise of American Militias

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: I got a lot of great feedback from the Brexit movie I told everyone about yesterday. My inbox was flooded with those of you in Europe who echoed the key points of the film. What Darren and I found most compelling was how similar the EU is to our own seemingly endless list of government agency whose decisions carry the weight of law. Is it any wonder we've seen a rise in the ranks of militia groups across the United States? Some would like to discount them as racist ani-government hillbillies who are angry that Obama is black and Mexicans are "stealing their jobs". What an ignorant and small minded view. In reality, these militias are a logical reaction to a government that violates the constitution and threatens Americans liberty on nearly a daily basis. If we want to see people lay down their guns and return the a thriving economy, if we want a free nation and limited government, if we want the money out of politics then we must reduce the size and power of government. It is the only way. If not I fear for the future of my nation and the consequences that lay in store for my children.