Establishment Democrats Fear the Burn of Sanders Supporters

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Bernie Sanders has built up quite a band of misfits, many of whom are not causing problems for the mainstream Democratic party. The fury of Bernie supporters was on full display at this years Nevada Convention where the police were called after a group of Sanders fans caused a major incident, and the threat of violence irrupted. These are the same types of protesters who have been crashing Trump rallies over the last few months. It's all those, peaceful, tolerant, caring progressive liberals. It's a shame the media won't show them for the hypocrites they are. From there we're going to move to some comments from Trump. He had the audacity to say (out loud, in an interview) that America would never default on its debt since it could just "print the money." It's funny how telling the truth will get you HUUUGE amounts of media attention these days. Trump also went on to correctly state that if the cost of our debt rose two or three percentage points, "We would not have a country." The truth hurts and it doesn't matter whether it's coming from Ron Paul or Donald Trump. We had better pay attention. The time is coming when we'll pay for the fact that we've been living beyond our means. I just hope you are all prepared.