Gary Johnson Gets Koch Money?

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: The Daily Caller is reporting that if Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson wins the nomination to represent the party this year, he will have the backing of Billionaire Charle Koch. Are the rumors true? I have no idea, but I know it could have a major impact on the delegates heading to Florida later this month to cast their votes. Gary has been making the rounds on some great podcasts recently. I've listened to his appearance on both Joe Rogan and Adam Carolla, and I'll give me my thoughts on his performance on today's show. From there we'll move to Austin Petersen's recent appearance on the Steve Deace show. Austin, generally confident and confrontational was put on his heels when Deace challenged him on his abortion position. The pundits have not been kind to Austin and frankly it did not go well, but this is the cold reality of running for president. There is no shortage of people ready to armchair quarterback your performance after the fact. From there we'll talk a little about personal finance. It turns out the bulk of Americans would have trouble coming up with $1,000 to pay for an unexpected bill. What I found most shocking was that it doesn't matter how much you make. This proves most Americans are not planning for the future but living for today. It's a dangerous way to live and I hope my audience is planning for a very uncertain future.