Why Trump's Economic Plan is Bad for American Workers

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: I'm really getting tired of Trump's claims that we're getting "beat" by China or that we're "losing" the trade war with China is "taking our jobs". It's hard for me to expect everyone to know enough about international trade to reject it on their own but I expected there would be enough people in America today that had enough common sense to at least ask some questions. Alas, I was wrong. Trump was out again saying he doesn't care if he starts a trade war with China. He called those who oppose his foolish trade policies "dummies.". This is typical Donald Trump but today I'm going to take DT to school and give him, and all of his drone followers, an education in how an economy works. I don't expect them to get it but you will. And you can take the fight to them with a knowledge trade few possess. Then we're going to discuss some earth-shattering news in the Libertarian community. Austin Petersen was on Glenn Becks show today and by the time, it was done Glenn was singing his praises. Glenn continues to move toward the libertarian camp. It's a slow move, but everyone comes to the truth in their own time. I'm going to play some clips from his discussion about Petersen and also some insights he had about Libertarians that I think we can learn from. Don't forget to subscribe and tell a friend!