Thoughts on the Petersen/Beck interview Plus I Go After Alex Jones

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: What an incredible interview today. This morning Austin Petersen was a guest on the Glenn Beck program and delivered an impassioned defense of liberty and libertarianism. It was exactly the right message delivered at exactly the right time. Today on the show we're going to run through some of the highlights and show you some of the ways Austin was able to bridge the gap between libertarian and conservative. If the libertarian party wants to be relevant this year, they need to take a page out of Austin's playbook and start crafting a message that appeals to more than the hardcore base of the libertarian party. From there we'll move on the Alex Jones whom I have a severe distaste. I know I'm going to draw heat from the Jones minions, but sometimes the truth is a hard pill to swallow. Jones is out again bashing Beck in an attempt to prop up his persona. Today I'm going to take him apart. Enjoy.