Uber Exploits Workers by Guaranteeing New Car

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: I know another crazy headline. You'd think I was just doing it to be provocative, but if you listen to today's show, you'll find out I'm completely serious. Uber has now made it possible for you to lease a new car regardless of your credit if you agree to drive for them. What does the nanny state think about this? Well, Uber is exploiting the poor of course! How might you ask? Well, that's the funny part. You see most people who need jobs are poor. And by Uber offering them a car and a job they are making the poor, unemployed, desperate American dependent on Uber. By that standard, every single employer in America is exploiting it's workers since the employee is dependent on the company to pay their bills. A fact that was conveniently overlooked by Chris Tomlinson ignored in his scathing article about Uber in the Houston Chronicle. Sometimes it doesn't matter what you do; some socialist, nanny state supporter is going to criticize you for it. We've got a lot more jammed into the show today. It turns out progressives are gearing up for a fight at the Democratic National Convention. And I don't mean that figuratively. Bernie Sanders supporters are gearing up for a literal fight at the DNC and are passing out information on how to deal with things like tear gas and how to render first aid when protests become militant. It's a crazy show today. Listen Now.