Omar Mateen and the Gun Control Myth

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Well, it's playing out just how I suspected. Talk radio and the Right are circling the wagons around the terror issue and violent extremism while the Democrats are calling for more gun restrictions. I've done something crazy. I've done a little research on the late Mateen, and come up with what I think is a clearer picture of who this murder was and what his life was like in the years leading up to the attack in Orlando. You won't get this kind of perspective from the MSM or talk radio. It's not in their nature to question the already accepted narrative. From there we'll move to gun control, and I'll share some thoughts on the ridiculous proposals being put forward as "reasonable" and "common sense" approaches to the problem. Finally, we'll dive into the decision by London mayor Sadiq Khan to outlaw advertisements with attractive women on them. What is the role of the state when it comes to protecting our delicate sensibilities? I'll explain today.