This is Why We Vote Principle Not Party

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Donald Trump just flipped on gun control. He's now advocating for the restriction of your second amendment rights for merely being under investigation by the government. Listen to me libertarians. A lot of you have been asking me why I can't just get behind "our" candidate. You sue the same silly logic Republicans use. You say things like "He's much closer to your views than Trump or Clinton. Why can't you help the party gain ground?" Why? Because I don't care about party! I care about principle. I have seen too often what happens when we nominate and support candidates who do not hold our fundamental principles sacred. The Right is learning this truth yet again this week as Donald betrays their support by advocation for controls and restriction on our constitutionally protected liberties. This is why I don't support a Johnson/Weld presidency. I won't put party above principle. We're in a major fight right now. Not from radical middle eastern terrorism but rather from radical fundamentalists in our own government. Yesterday in Rolling Stone, Drexel University Law Professor David Cohen (who teaches constitutional law by the way) wrote and article calling for the repeal of the second amendment as if removing the rights of lawful citizens to keep and bear arms would somehow prevent bad people from getting guns. FANTASTIC IDEA DAVID! While you're at it why don't you outlaw human trafficking and heroin as well? Moron. But don't think for a second that this is something you need not concern yourself with. This is very serious. Homeland Security Director Jeh Johnson now says gun control is a matter of homeland security. The army is approaching. They are large, heavily armed and if they can disarm you they will. Today on the show I'm going to take apart Cohen and Johson, publicly shaming them for their ignorance and cowardice. You're going to want to hear this. Jason