Ted Cruz Mayhem and Fox Fights for its Life

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: I'm not quite sure what all the fuss is about but last night Ted Cruz gave what I thought was a very well delivered speech about liberty and the American idea. At the end of the speech he told everyone NOT to stay home in November but get out and vote your conscience. For that, he was nearly booed off the stage. It's no so much what he said but what he didn't say. Trump supporters consider his words to be a slight against Trump, and they thought he ought to have endorsed Trump in his speech. Later that day he had it out with members of the Texas caucus where he told them he was still very upset with the way Trump treated his wife and father. I can't much blame him. If Trump had said those things about my wife, I'd be slow to forgive as well. From there I'll talk about the Fox News fight over allegations Roger Ailes sexually harassed women at the network. It sounds like gossip, and I'll admit if you listen to the rest of the media talk about it, that's what it is, but the real story is the other hosts at Fox like O'Reilly and Hannity who have clauses in their contracts that allow them to walk if Ailes is getting the ax. Finally, we'll have a talk about monopoly, one of my favorite subjects to debunk. It's a great show today. Don't forget to share.