The Democrat Convention Opens to Scandal and Outrage

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Having been out yesterday, I didn't get a chance to comment on the email scandal that broke just before the RNC in Philidelphia. The emails show a clear attempt by the DNC to hurt Bernie Sanders and his bid for the nomination. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was forced out and immediately hired by the Hillary campaign. She was a good little soldier and what better place for a liar and cheat to find work than inside the Hillary camp. This, of course, outraged Sanders supports who now have clear evidence that their movement was undermined by the very party they trust. Now, you have speaker after speaker coming on stage to talk about unity and Sanders supporters are having none of it. What do you expect? The Democratic Party just proved they are untrustworthy, and now they're standing in front of all the delegates and essentially telling them, "Pay no attention to our transgressions. It's time to move on and forget about who we really are." That takes us to last night. With 61 speakers there was no shortage of bad speeches. If I had to break down the night's themes, they would read as follows. 1. The game is rigged against you 2. Tolerance alone isn't enough. 3. You can’t do it on your own 4. Trump is an evil racist who makes fun of the handicap. What I hate most about progressives is their constant insistence that you can't make it on your own. That it takes a village, and since it takes all of us working together for any one person to succeed it means no person is ever responsible for their situation. It's always someone else's fault. With friends like these who needs enemies?