Politicians Claim the Economy is on the Rebound. The Truth is Far Less Rosy

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: After two nights of the Democratic convention, you might be convinced that the economy is on a firm footing, that our government has done a bang-up job navigating the recession, and we're poised for a great comeback. Joe Biden said as much when he claimed from the pulpit "...I can say, with absolute conviction that I am more optimistic about our chances today than when I was elected as a 29-year-old kid to the Senate." Joe? Let' me drop a little knowledge on you. It turns out the economy is collapsing as we speak. Despite all the central bank interventions and nanny state do-gooders doing their best to "fix" our economic problems, we've made almost no forward progress. GDP numbers released today show our economy grew by only 1.2 percent. Not the 2.4 percent expected. Home ownership has dropped to the lowest level in 50 years as young millennials, shackled with mountains of college debt have put off purchasing homes. Previous data has also been revised down highlighting the continued government attempt to paint our economic turd a shade brighter. I have no words to express my frustration at being subjected, again and again, to poorly written speeches delivered by hack politicians who themselves don't have the first clue about what's happening in our economy and even less chance of fixing anything. When will the mindless hoards wake up to reality and start demanding accountability and smaller government? I'm afraid I don't have the answer. Jason