Are We Living in a Surveillance State?

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Bloomberg just did an excellent piece on Baltimore. I'm sure many of the cities residents will be shocked to learn that they have been under 24-hour surveillance, seven days a week since January. The video was incredible to watch. You can see it here: The video also brings to light what some would consider a disturbing new trend in government. The birth of an around the clock surveillance state. Now there's nothing illegal about what Baltimore is doing. You have no expectation of privacy when you leave your home, and this new technology has certainly helped police and prosecutors find and punish some dangerous criminals. But admitting you have no expectation of privacy is not the same thing as accepting government (or anyone else for that matter) has permission to track your every move. If I private citizen did what the city of Baltimore was doing they could be charged with stalking. Yet, the ends justify the means in the cities eyes. We're going to take some time today and talk through the pro's and con's of a program like this, and I may even play a little devils advocate to get the wheels turning in your head. Enjoy!