What the Heck is Going on in the Middle East?

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: It's been a while since we did a show on foreign policy but we've had some pretty significant developments in the last week or so, and I want to work through the situation with you. First, we'll discuss the Iranian situation. They buzzed our ships last week, and a lot of Americans saw this as a provocation designed to entice us into a fight. Was it? Beats me but I know it's reasonable to assume if we hadn't been trolling 15 miles off the coast of Iran that the encounter might not have happened. Then there's Turkey. The foiled coup has resulted in nearly 100,000 people having been fired or arrested as Erdogan cleans house. Not only did our Government say nothing about the lack of due process and human rights violations our own Vice President was in Turkey last week guaranteeing our support. It's a crazy world. The answers to our problems are not easy, but we need to stop pretending like the policies that got us into this mess are going to get us out. We need an entirely new foreign policy platform if we're ever going to turn the tide of war and suffering in the middle east.