Gary Johnson Tricked by Gotcha Question

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Then he made things worse by admitting he needs to "get smarter." It's rare that I find myself running the Gary Johnsons defense. Most of the time I find myself criticizing him, his comments and positions but this morning on Morning Joe, Gary was caught by Mike Barnicle in a gotcha question designed to trip him up. The question succeeded and Gary came off looking foolish. It could have happened to anyone and Gary could have done several things to mitigate the damage. Instead, he made the issue worse by opening his mouth again to reporters. I've got all the clips, and I'll go through all of it with you. This could be the nail that puts the Johnson/Weld coffin on the ground. *** I got an interesting link from a listener about a book claiming algorithms that determine sentencing and mortgage rates are racist. On its face this seems ridiculous but under close inspection, you discover that it is, in fact, ridiculous. I'll give you the whole story today. Jason