Media Questions Hillary as EU Builds an Army

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Over the weekend we managed to get some insight into Hillary Clinton's health, and it's not good. Apparently, it's not allergies as her campaign stated earlier but pneumonia. And who knows if that's even truthful? How can we trust anything that comes out of Clinton's PR machine? I've got the video, and I'll talk through the facts, fiction, and speculation. As usual, the media is mostly missing the point. From there we'll move on to Europe where Brexit has renewed an EU push for its own military. If it meant we disbanded NATO and America could get the heck out of that treaty, I'd say go for it. Unfortunately, that's not where we're headed. It's an additional army the EU wants not a disbanding of NATO. We also have fears in the middle east and the South China Sea as Iran, Russia, and China all appear ready to challenge the United States as the toughest kid on the block. I fear we're headed toward another gruesome and costly war. It doesn't appear anyone in Washinton is opposed to the future slaughter of American soldiers. Finally (if I have time) I'm going to discuss a great piece from about interest rate policies and quantitative easing. It's a full show today as we go around the world. Listen in, then share it with a friend. Jason