Obama Spends $4 Billion on Propaganda to Promote Himself

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: In a shocking report by the Government Accountability Office (oxymoron I know), the Obama administration has spent more than 500 MILLION dollars a year on PR specialists (propaganda experts) to, in the words of Press Secretary Josh Earnest "tell the public of the president's achievements." It is another disgusting lack shame from a government that is still claiming to be one of the most transparent administrations in history. I hate to break it to you Joshy-boy but a government that has honorably served the interests of liberty and upheld the constitution does not need a propaganda arm to tell us all the wonderful things our leaders are doing and how lucky we are to have them working for us. The report comes the same day we get a beautiful piece of propaganda from Obama's PR machine posted on economist.com. I'm sure by now you'd be shocked to know that he has done an incredible job as leader over these past eight years, but there's still much that needs to be done. I'll tear this little gem apart on today's show and expose Obama for the talentless failure and economic illiterate that he is. It's also AMA Friday, so I'm taking your questions! Talk to you next week, Jason