The 2nd Debate: Lies, Fights, and Fireworks

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: I was ready for another dry, mind-numbingly painful debate last night. What I got was entertaining if not informational as it relates to one area. Foreign Policy. How America interacts with the world has been a hot topic for libertarians with Johnson's recent gaff about Aleppo and even Ron Paul suggested progressives consider voting for Socialist Green Party Nominee Jill Stein simply for her non-interventionist foreign policy position. Last night Donald Trump was back to his old self. Starting out reserved he quickly went after Clinton on a variety of personal and professional failures. Clinton didn't take it lying down. She hit back at Trump, and it became apparent both of these candidates have some much dirt on the other they could spend the entire night focused exclusively on how terrible the other is. What's unfortunate is neither of them needs to lie or inflate the truth. It, the truth that is, is far ugly enough without embellishment. The one area where we did break into substance was on the middle east. Specifically what each candidate would do about Russia and Syria. Today I'll spend some time breaking down that part of the debate, and I'll showcase how easy it is for these candidates to lie without anyone in the media calling them on it. I've also got some new intel on the banking crisis in Italy, the risk of another bail-in and the IMF's warning to China. It's another full show. Listen NOW! Jason