NO, We don't Need to Be More Inclusive

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: When was the last time a progressive met you halfway on reducing taxes? You say, "I want no taxes." and then the progressive says, "Well I want you to pay 20% more but let's settle on a reduction of 30%." If you're laughing, it's because you know that conversation would never happen. The conversation is always about how much MORE liberty we will lose, how much HIGHER taxes need to be. Any negotiation requires we move toward them. Progressives rarely lose ground. They often take less than they originally wanted but they almost never take a step backward. Part of their strategy is to perpetuate the lie that we must "compromise" if we want to be seen as reasonable. "No one will work with you if you're not willing to compromise," they say. But the compromise always works in their favor. When I talk about a game of inches, I think some people mistake me for being in favor of progressive compromise. I am more than willing to take less than the total elimination of all taxation in America, but it will always be a discussion of tax reduction. I will never compromise my way to a tax increase. The same goes for our principles. We don't have to change our beliefs or sacrifice what makes us libertarian to win over converts. We simply need to share the message of individualism and free markets with love and a sincere desire to affect those around us in a positive way. Today I'll talk a little about this subject and give you what I hope is some inspiration to help you reach out to your own community.