Washington Post Claims Libertarians Responsible for Trump

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: In an election year where rhetoric is at an all-time high, the Washington Post just blew the roof off. The article by Matthew Sheffield asserts that "paleolibertarianism" is responsible for Trumps racist, truther driven rise. Why, because that's what libertarians are, a bunch of racist, anti-government, 9-11 conspiracy's theory loons. According to Sheffield, the Ron Paul fans have shifted to Trump in the absence of a more Paulinian candidate. Sheffield went so far as to say, "There had always been some sympathy for racism and anti-Semitism among libertarians" and then sights, as evidence, an article in Reason magazine from 1976. Fortunately, Sheffield was forced to edit his piece after it became apparent he was not entirely honest about the 1976 articles. So are we a bunch of nasty bigoted racists? I think you know the answer, but I'll give you my thoughts today. *** We'll also cover the NATO build up on the Russian border and the fledgling government in Afghanistan. So much to discuss that's outside the mainstream media's narrow election coverage. Don't forget to Subscribe and Share! Jason