Regardless of the Election Outcome, America Faces Dark Days

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: I have no idea how this election will turn out. I normally have an idea but this year I can't tell who's telling me the truth. Here's what I do know. This is not going to be a razor-thin victory for Trump. Either all the polling that puts Clinton up by 3-4 points is garbage and Trump is going to win in a landslide or Clinton will be the next president. Trump has trailed in the polls since the beginning of the race. As we get closer to D-Day, we've seen those polls tighten, but Trump only has a lead in a few outlier polls. That means either everyone is wrong and we're staring at a 1980 style upset, or it means the pollsters got it right and Hillary will win 290 electorial votes. But it really doesn't matter who wins this year. Think I'm full of it? Listen to today's show. The financial condition of our country, our national balance sheet so to speak, is in bad shape. That's an understatement. Our nation is in a debt-death-spiral, and we're getting close to the point where we won't be able to grow our way out of it. Today's show lays out just how bad our problems are and why neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump is the cure. Enjoy! Don't forget to Subscribe and Share!