On the Show: KrisAnne Hall Discusses Nullification in Kansas

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: In 2014 Kansas passed a law protecting its citizens from federal prosecution on a variety of 2nd Amendment issues. Put simply; Kansas adopted a law that nullified a host of federal laws and made enforcement of those laws by federal agents a class 10 felony. Attorney General Holder immediately sent a letter to Governer Brownback informing him that the new law was a violation of the Constitution and the State of Kanas was subject to federal law. Secretary of State Kris Kobach sent a letter back to Holder saying, in not so few words, "Whatever." Now two Kansans have been arrested by the Feds and are being charged with felonies for violating federal gun control laws. The very laws Kansas aimed to nullify. And what is the response from the local Sheriff, Govoner and Attorney General? Crickets. They have left these two men out to dry. It's a disgusting dereliction of duty, and I brought on one of the top Constitutional minds to discuss it with me today. If you're as angry as I am, take a couple of minutes and call those involved. Let them know how unhappy you are with them and their cowardice. Gov. Sam Brownback - 877-579-6757 Kansas Attorney General - 888-428-8436 U.S. District Court Judge J. Thomas Marten - 316-315-4300