A Libertarian Response to Clinton Supporters

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: We've all see the outright hysterical reaction to Hillary Clintons loss on Tuesday. My Facebook feed has been blowing up with people on both sides. One expressing fear and sorrow, the other mocking their pain. I even saw a tearful Miley Cyrus live-stream her emotional breakdown on Facebook and I'd be lying if I said it didn't warm my dark heart a little. But if you're a libertarian and you're spending your time laughing at your colleagues and coworkers for blubbering like a teenage girl at a Christian camp revival you are missing another great opportunity to share a message of hope wrapped in a libertarian bow. I have gone to great lengths to explain not only what we believe and why it's important but I've also focused heavily on messaging. How do we sell liberty and personal responsibility to an increasingly dependent society? The answer is, we take every opportunity to show how one person's pain can be solved by moving toward liberty. This election is yet another chance to spread that message in a positive way. Today I'm going to show you how I'd do it. I'm hoping you can use the template I lay out to assist you in discussing libertarianism with those close to you who are distraught over the election results. It never stops folks. We are constantly pushing, constantly looking for every opportunity to convert the lost. You need to be a light for liberty a torch that provides hope for a brighter tomorrow. Carry on, Jason