What to Do About Aleppo

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: If you listen to the media today, you'd think the massacre in Syria is a result of American inaction. How anyone can say that with a straight face today is beyond me. The Syrian crisis is a direct result of our intervention in the middle east starting in Iraq. We created ISIS, and we supported them early on in the fight to take out Assad. Now the middle east is on fire, and the same people who said we needed to fund ISIS are the same ones calling for more violence. I'm sick of the media treating these foreign policy baboons with kid gloves. Today I'm going to take them to task. We're also going to talk a little about the vote today that will undoubtedly elect Donald Trump as our next president. The media, in typical fashion, is giving voice to the false idea that Democrats may have some chance of preventing Trump's assertion to the American throne. I'll put that notion to rest as well. It's a full episode today. Glad to have you listening. Don't forget to subscribe and share!