Reuters Says Joblessness at 43-Year Low; Jason Explains Why

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Alright, so I had a little rant today after destroying my phone and a little incident with a shipping company but once we got to the meat of the episode I had some really good stories to share. We start off with a discussion of the kidnapping of that young white by a few, soon to be convicted felons. It's a terrible story that leaves me with more questions than answers. From there I hit on Obama's recent award and his confiscation of more than 500 million acres of land. I want to dispell some myths about private land ownership and what would happen if the government didn't provide for public lands. Finally, I want to tie a couple of economic stories together for you. The first, as the title alludes to, is about the joblessness rate here in America. The second is the record debt countries have racked up around the world. Many of you are wondering if America has turned a corner. Sentiment continues to be positive, and all the financial talking heads are upbeat about our future. I want to try and inject some reality into the discussion and that's what I'll do today. Thanks again for listening and sharing the show! Jason