522: The Cowardly Lion Calls for Troops on China Border

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Even I thought Lindsey Graham wasn't stupid enough to expand his desire for conflict to China. I was apparently wrong. Speaking with Tucker Carlson earlier this week Graham called for sanctions on China and even troops on their border as a response to their previous hacks of government computers. Is there anyone this guy doesn't want a war with? I doubt it, but if you're a former military man, someone currently serving or anyone who has known and loved a service member you need to watch this episode. Graham said something in his interview with Tucker that made my blood boil and I don't think anyone has caught it yet. Men like Graham are a threat to the peace and security of the free world. I think Grahm is a coward and I call him out as one on today's show. That and much more today, on The Jason Stapleton Program. Jason