Episode 45: Letting Go of the Hero Role

Edit Your Life show

Summary: It’s common for one person to assume the role of family problem solver, but this means that things can get complicated and stressful when that person is unavailable to problem solve. Inspired by a listener letter, in Episode 45 Christine and Asha discuss the benefits of kids experiencing discomfort and how stepping back and letting go of the hero role can benefit the entire family system. + + + + + Do you have a question, comment, or show topic idea for us? Would you like to sponsor an upcoming episode? We’d love to hear from you via facebook.com/edityourlifeshow, by tagging your Instagram or Twitter posts with #edityourlifeshow, or via edityourlifeshow@gmail.com. You’ll find show notes for this episode, including links to resources we’ve mentioned, at edityourlifeshow.com.