Episode 10 - SweatCast: BJ's 15 Best Training Tools Of 2016

The Men's Health Podcast show

Summary: Fitness Director BJ Gaddour breaks it all down and shares his favorite training tools and workout gear; an eclectic mix of the classics and the coolest new stuff to come out in 2016. The list includes magnificent mobility tools, the top jump rope, ideal home gym and hotel room/travel equipment, the most portable pullup bar, and the best new barbell. You’ll also learn why BJ considers sleeveless hoodies to be a mandatory purchase if you’re serious about fitness. Follow @bjgaddour and @michaelsneeden on social media. Like what you hear? Don’t forget to RATE and SUBSCRIBE on the iTunes store, and please send us your comments, questions, and suggestions by tweeting us at @MensHealthMag and tagging #MHPodcast. Show Notes: Get your Men’s Health gym bag here: http://www.MHGymBag.com The Hip Circle and Slingshot: http://howmuchyabench.net Liquid Chalk: http://liquidgrip.com/ Peanut: http://mobilitywod.com Fat Gripz: http://www.fatgripz.com/ TRX: trxtraining.com Portable Pullup Bar: http://trapezerigging.com/ The Bench Block: https://www.benchblokz.com/ Jump Rope: http://www.crossrope.com/ Bandbell Earthquake Bar: http://www.bandbell.com/