ADU 0082: Are all SD cards created equal? What don't I know that I better know about them?

Ask Drone U show

Summary: Today we are actually going to address something that came up in our awesome Drone U community regarding SD cards. People rarely seem to think much about these little storage containers...until of course you shoot something amazing and, well, it's gone! We've experienced this several times before and really don't want to ever again. The thing is that the SD card is so important when you shoot, and you must make sure you've got the right card so you don't end up learning the hard way (like we did this past weekend). If you're shooting videos and photos with your drone then you need to make sure and listen to this important episode. By the way, we really do have an awesome community of pilots who come under one another, helping each other out. If you're looking to consistently sharpen your piloting skills and learn new things all the time, then you need to check out Drone U. It really is the best of both worlds, and we actually give you a reachable solution cost wise. Learn more here: Did you know it is really easy to get your questions answered on our show? Just go to and you can quickly submit your question(s) for us to go through. It couldn't be easier to do, so go check it out now. No, seriously, you should go right now... And while you're at it, can we ask you a huge favor? Give us a 5 star rating on whatever platform you listen to our show. It'll only take you 30 seconds, and will greatly help us. Thank you!