ADU 0090: I'm traveling internationally and taking my Inspire 1. Will I have any issues getting through customs with it?

Ask Drone U show

Summary: Our question today comes from Chris in Tennessee. He's going to be traveling internationally this summer and plans on taking his drone with him (toothbrush, deodorant, wife and...drone). Chris is asking if he will have any issues getting the drone through customs with his Inspire 1? We actually had to poll our pilots and others to adequately answer this question for you, Chris. So to all our listeners, you should know that you have a resource in Drone U that will not only answer your questions, but make sure we have the best, most thorough answer for you. So thanks for your great question, Chris. For the rest of you out there, we're here to help you take your piloting skills to the next level. But you've got to ask questions and learn from others too get there. We really do appreciate you all submitting your question to Ask Drone U; keep it up! Speaking of that, did you know it's really easy to get your questions answered on our show? Just go to and you can quickly submit your question(s) for us to go through. It couldn't be easier to do, so go check it out now. No, seriously, you should go right now... And while you're at it, can we ask you a huge favor? Give us a 5 star rating on whatever platform you listen to our show. It'll only take you 30 seconds, and will greatly help us. Thank you!