ADU 0100: What makes you so sure the FAA will not come after me if I fly my drone commercially?

Ask Drone U show

Summary: It's episode 100 of our show! We are so excited for this as we reach another milestone in the short life of Drone U. Today we saved a really exciting and impactful topic for you...the FAA. Yes, we're talking about the FAA and the regulations surrounding them. No specific question from anybody today because we have some very interesting audio of Jim Williams at a recent National Association of Realtors meeting. A source sent us a recording they made of Jim talking about the FAA and their regulations over drones, specifically making money with one. So we're going to play parts of it and discuss it in depth. We know this is a hot debate as to the legalities of making money with your drone right now. We firmly believe it's not only legal, but the FAA cannot do anything about it. You MUST follow safe flying practices and adhere to the regulations that are in place. But we believe at this time, and even more so after hearing this audio, that we and others getting paid to fly their drones are absolutely in the right. Listen and tell us what you think. We appreciate you joining us, and here's to another hundred episodes! You need to go ask us your questions! No need to sit around wondering about things when we've made it really simple for you. Just go to and record your question. It's easy and quick, so go get it done. Thank you so much for your support and continued listening! Can we ask you a huge favor? Give us a 5 star rating on iTunes here: It will help others find our show faster so we can help them.