ADU 0105: How should I properly dispose of my lipo battery?

Ask Drone U show

Summary: Today our question comes from Brian, and he is asking how he should dispose of a lipo battery? This may seem like a very elementary question to some of you out there, but did you know how dangerous a lipo battery can actually be? We're so used to these things with smaller batteries. However, when it comes to the larger lipos like we use for our drones, there is very much a right and wrong way to dispose of them. This could be the difference between you causing a fire or not, so stay tuned and take a quick listen to this episode of Ask Drone U. Did you know how easy it is to get your questions answered on our show? Just go to and you can quickly submit your question(s) for us to go through. It seriously is that simple, so go check it out now. No, seriously, you should go right now... And while you're at it, can we ask you a huge favor? Give us a 5 star rating on whatever platform you listen to our show. It'll only take you 30 seconds, and will greatly help us. Thank you!