ADU 0212: What are the most important shots/movements for a pilot to practice and learn in order to get started/advance in drone videography?

Ask Drone U show

Summary: Today's question comes to us from Justin. He really asks a very insightful question, and one in which we expand on quite a bit because it's so important. Justin is asking what are the shot that a new(er) pilot should learn and practice to get started with videography? The thing is, Justin, there are many experienced pilots who need to know this because you probably see it all the time, people who upload videos that really aren't very good or creative. So whether you're new or not, these are not just shots, but movements that can really help you advance in your pursuit of drone video projects. Thanks for the question, Justin. Fly safe! Get your questions answered: Tell us what you think of the our show. We listen and tweak often. So please leave a review on iTunes: Follow us: Site - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube -