ADU 0217: How will the FAA Task Force recommending registration of drones solve safety concerns and pilot skills in general?

Ask Drone U show

Summary: For today's podcast, we've, once again, been getting numerous questions regarding the news today that the FAA Task Force has recommended a drone registration process for pilots. There's certainly still a lot to come on this before we know what's next, but folks are none the less asking us what do you think of it? Specifically, how will this help with drone safety and pilot training? Great questions to consider and be asking (if only the Task Force was doing that). So we'll go through everything as objectively as we can so you can get your arms wrapped about what this means and what to do about it. Stay tuned, and fly safe! Get your questions answered: Tell us what you think of the our show. We listen and tweak often. So please leave a review on iTunes: Follow us: Site - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube -