ADU 0222: With so many options out there, what are the essential items I really do need for flying my drone & being most prepared?

Ask Drone U show

Summary: Our podcast question today comes to us from Trace. He's got a great question as it relates to all the many options out there for drone equipment and accessories. So Trace is asking, with so many options out there, what are the essential items I really do need for flying my drone & being most prepared? Let's be honest, it can be a bit overwhelming deciphering what you really need, especially in an industry where new and "better" things are always coming out. Do you really, really need that? Or would it just be a nice thing to have? We go through as much as we can on the show today so you can have a better idea of what you must have vs what you could have vs what you don't need at all. Stay tuned, and thanks for the question, Trace. Fly safe! Get your questions answered: Tell us what you think of the our show. We listen and tweak often. So please leave a review on iTunes: Follow us: Site - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube -