ADU 0247: INTERVIEW WITH FORBES and AMA - How can I affectively fight to protect my rights against things like drone registration? Does the John Taylor lawsuit with the FAA change my options and what I should or shouldn't do?

Ask Drone U show

Summary: We're doing all we can to keep you as informed as possible, as fast as possible, about all things drones, especially the registration "issue" before us. So for today's show we're thankful that John Goglia, a Forbes contributor (, and Rich Hanson from the AMA agreed to chat with us about the FAA lawsuit filed by John Taylor. John Goglia wrote an article about it this week (, and we go through all he's learned about the suit, and get his thoughts about the UAV registration requirement. Rich Hanson gives us an update as to their next steps, as well as a response to the lawsuit. We hope you'll find this info helpful. Thanks for joining us today. Fly safe! Get your questions answered: Tell us what you think of the our show. We listen and tweak often. So please leave a review on iTunes: Follow us: Site - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube -