ADU 0275: Is a 333 Exemption required or not to make money with a drone? Do you have one, or are you getting one?

Ask Drone U show

Summary: For today's episode, we are talking through a question we received from Todd. He's asking is the 333 now required to do business or not? Well that's the proverbial can of worms, now isn't it. We've talked a lot about this in the past, so we're going to answer this question a different way as we talk about the process we're currently going through in getting a 333. Yes, we're getting a 333, and we'll also go through all the details of why we are in this episode. What have we learned? What would we recommend and not advise? If you're thinking of a 333, or not sure what you should do, this is a great episode for you. Fly safe! Get your questions answered: Tell us what you think of the our show. We listen and tweak often. So please leave a review on iTunes: Download the Periscope app and watch our "pre-show" about 5 minutes before the live podcast (@THEdroneU). Watch Ask Drone U live everyday by visiting our YouTube channel or website. Click on either of those links below. Follow us: Site - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube -