Against Logic there is No Armor like Ignorance.

The Short Coat show

Summary: WHO researchers in Uganda are keen to teach schoolchildren there how to spot dubious health claims. This leads Dave to ask Levi Endelman, John Pienta, and newcomers Alice Ye and Adam Erwood whether their generation was taught the principles of logic and scientific thought in a way more effective than his own generation was taught. On a related note, listener Jake writes in to remind John that even we on The Short Coat Podcast, careful as we are to disclaim any logic whatsoever, should be wary of "shallow/uncontrolled" arguments.  We discuss emerging ideas on treating ICU patients in ways that minimize ICU delirium and PTSD, a problem once known as ICU psychosis, including changing the ways patients are sedated, their environments, the emphasis on convenience for healthcare personnel, and other factors that may be making patients crazy. Perhaps one day, ICU patients might receive some benefit from Kratom, which the DEA has now removed from the Schedule 1 drugs list after public outcry.  And doctors are still better than online "symptom checkers" at diagnosing both common and uncommon illnesses.  Take that, Doctor Google.