Build: Stage 4 of 6 on the Small Business Roadmap (FS103)

The Fizzle Show — Heart & Hustle, Self Employment & Creative Business show

Summary: - Stage 4, the Build stage, is a big one. As Corbett puts it: "this stage is a monster and a lot of people get stuck here." In this episode we talk you through each step so you can rise up when others start to sink. There's a lot of fun stuff here — naming, website building, social media accounts. That stuff is exciting even when it gets challenging. But built into the 9 steps of Build is also some difficult tasks that won't happen over night. Listen to this episode to get into the mindset of the big picture, avoiding the hamster wheel of building an audience forever without ever finding a way to earn a living with that audience. Enjoy! (If you're not already, [subscribe in itunes]( so you can get the next episode in your sleep.)