How to Purchase Property in Other Markets | PREI 016

Passive Real Estate Investing show

Summary: Have you ever asked how do you purchase property in other markets or out-of-state? Well there is a clearly defined method that works every time.  It has been refined over the years and in this episode we break down that process into phases and talk about each one.<br> <br> Some of the topics we discuss include:<br> <br> Selecting a market.<br> Selecting a neighborhood and property.<br> Doing your due diligence.<br> Financing your purchase.<br> The closing process.<br> What to do post-closing.<br> <br> - - - - - - -<br> <br> Download your FREE copy of:<br> The Ultimate Guide to Passive Real Estate Investing.<br> <br> See all our available turnkey investment properties.<br> <br> SUBSCRIBE on iTunes  |  Stitcher  |  Podcast Feed<br> <br> Give us a RATING &amp; REVIEW   (Thank you!)<br> <br> <br> How to Purchase Property in Other Markets<br> Welcome to Passive Real Estate Investing episode sixteen. I'm your host, Marco Santarelli. Welcome. Thanks for joining us again. Today's show is about how to purchase property out of state or out of your area or in another market. It's what I've developed over the years and I call it the purchase process checklist. Essentially, I started investing out of state from California in three different states back in 2004. I was buying up a lot of property in a very short period of time.<br> <br> That process was not something that I knew exactly how to do from day one. It was a process that I learned very quickly. Through that process, I made a lot of mistakes, I did lose some money. But I also learned how to properly, quickly and efficiently identify investment opportunities, put them under contract, do my due diligence pre contract, post contract and get to a close.<br> <br> Although there's no rocket science in this process, it is important to understand. Because a lot of investors find this process to be somewhat foreign, especially if you haven't done it once or twice. Knowing what to look for and how to purchase property out of state or out of your local area is very important if you want to be successful. Because the truth is, a lot of people live in markets that are inflated and overpriced. The numbers just don't make sense there. For example, coastal markets like in California, New York, New Jersey. The rent to value ratios there are so low, they might be .5%, .4%, .3%. The numbers just don't make sense.<br> <br> On top of that, those property values are so high that your investment capital, which is limited, will only go so far. When you look outside of your local market, you will find markets that are probably better off economically, have better opportunities, more choice for good quality income property. You'll find that your cash on cash returns are higher and your overall down payment will be lower, which means that you can take your fixed amount of down payment capital and leverage that into a larger real estate portfolio, meaning that you can purchase more properties than you could locally.<br> <br> <br> <br> Let's start with basically phase number one, that is select your market. Once you know what your investment strategy is and you've detailed out your investment criteria, then you can narrow down the markets that meet your strategy and criteria. In other words, there's over 400 markets in the US. You can't be in all those markets. It's also very difficult to know where to start. If you define your investment criteria, then you can eliminate majority of those markets and focus on certain ones. Obviously, we have our favorites. Within our company, we focus on about eight or nine different markets for various reasons, but they're all really good markets.<br> <br> If you focus on maximizing your cash flow, then the markets you want to focus on are the ones that'll provide you higher rent to value ratios. These are typically what I call linear markets.