Huge Motivational Speaker from Africa is on Positive Phil Show

Positive Phil show

Summary: Mary Bosiu is a wonderful spirit and entrepreneur. Mary Bosiu is a lawyer by profession (BA Law Plus LLB) as well as a Mediation and Arbitration Consultant (Diploma, ADR). She worked as a corporate Lawyer for more than fifteen years, and loves to excel and to inspire. She was a member of the Executives Committees (EXCO) for two corporate giants, Lesotho National Development Corporation (LNDC) and Lesotho Electricity Corporation (LEC). As she climbed the corporate ladder, Mary recognized that her training as a lawyer had not equipped her to be an effective leader, so she embarked on a personal development journey aimed at polishing her leadership and interpersonal skills. Her quest entailed attending training intensives and active research— anything and everything she could do to enhance her leadership and development. Motivational/Inspirational: Facilitating motivational workshops Writing inspirational books; Mentoring and coaching Doing keynote speaking assignments Assuming MC/Program Director role for clients Advocate Eventually, she volunteered to share what she learned in conferences, and received rave reviews. So Mary launched a consultancy through which she facilitates motivational workshops and corporate coaching. Positive Phil Show, a Daily Podcast Sharing Strategies, Advice & Stories That Inspire Life Business. Sharing Inspirational Motivations to People Everywhere as a Contribution toward Promoting Positive Values. Join Positive Phil “live” every day as he cuts through the Negatives. The program primarily consists of interviews with positive people and thought leaders, as well as others in the social, business and entertainment community. Positive Phil Show is a daily show hosted by Positive Phil. Strategies, Advice and Stories to Inspire Your Life and Business. The program primarily consists of interviews with positive people and thought leaders, as well as others in the social, business and entertainment community. Subscribe To Our Weekly Newsletter Listen To Our Show: Itunes Link: Subscribe: Stitcher Radio: Google Play: