The Grief Entrepreneur, Karen Millsap is on the Positive Phil Show

Positive Phil show

Summary: Her personal mission is to take her pain, turn it into purpose and pay it forward. Being a widow has completely changed her perspective on life so she hopes to inspire and empower others who are rebuilding their lives while grieving a loss." Karen Millsap became a widow at 29 when her husband was tragically murdered while teaching his CrossFit class. After losing much of her support network, Karen recognized the overall lack of assistance in our society for this disregarded demographic. “After meeting other widows, I realized it doesn’t matter whether you had time to prepare or if they died suddenly – we are not grieving how they died, we are grieving the absence of our life partner. And in this fog, we have no time to adjust before life’s demands come crashing down. After openly sharing my challenges with grief, others opened up to me about their personal experiences (when grieving various losses) and the challenges it created for them at work. This ignited my desire to educate employers on how they can properly support grieving employees in the workplace and raise awareness to relieve awkwardness. Grief is the elephant in the room; it's in every organization, employees are just forced to mask the natural emotions when they are going through a difficult time. The most important thing for employers to understand is grief is hard work. It requires more energy to work through than most people expect; it takes a toll on us physically and psychologically. Additionally, grief does not have a time frame and it’s not something we can just turn off. Lastly, employers must realize there are countless secondary losses that come when a spouse (and/or partner) dies; those other losses also affect our grief journey and can cripple us. By imparting the proper support, the employer can help grievers survive this unpredictable roller coaster without risk of losing our job. I am open to whatever you'd like to discuss. :) But, if you would like to map out questions, we can connect live to brainstorm. facebook: /TheGriefConsultant IG: @TheGriefConsultant and @kmiix Positive Phil Show, a Daily Podcast Sharing Strategies, Advice & Stories That Inspire Life Business. Sharing Inspirational Motivations to People Everywhere as a Contribution toward Promoting Positive Values. Join Positive Phil “live” every day as he cuts through the Negatives. The program primarily consists of interviews with positive people and thought leaders, as well as others in the social, business and entertainment community. Positive Phil Show is a daily show hosted by Positive Phil. Strategies, Advice and Stories to Inspire Your Life and Business. The program primarily consists of interviews with positive people and thought leaders, as well as others in the social, business and entertainment community. Subscribe To Our Weekly Newsletter Listen To Our Show: Itunes Link: Subscribe: Stitcher Radio: Google Play: