Cool Picks: January 13, 2017

All Cool Blind Tech Shows show

Summary: This week, join Nelson Régo and Joel Ramos as they showcase some of the hottest Cool Picks. <br> <br> <br> This week's "Cool Picks" Include the following : <br> <br> Algoriddim continues to provide incredible accessibility with their line of DJ products. The new <a href="">DJay Pro for the iPhone </a>is no exception. The video found on the page for the app highlights some great features but, sadly no descriptive video... <br> <br> <br> Tired of flight simulators? Try out the <a href=";dpID=41OZSI6MVNL&amp;dpPl=1&amp;keywords=D63%20Drone%20Runner&amp;pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&amp;qid=1484180019&amp;ref=plSrch&amp;ref_=mp_s_a_1_1&amp;sr=8-1">SYMA Sky Thunder RC D63 Drone Runner</a>