Why Does UK Give Aid to Pakistan?

Europe Calling show

Summary: We're told again that the Mediterranean Diet is really good for your health .....and that's good news as Japan is the only country in the world where you have a better chance of living longer. Does this need to be kept in mind when looking at unemployment? From drastically high unemployment figures las year registered an historic fall...... Nearly 60% of Spaniards recognize that they can’t speak, read or write in English, according to the latest poll from Spain’s CIS state research institute. English is the most-spoken second language in Spain, the poll says, with 27.7% of respondents saying they speak it, followed by French (9%) German (1.7%) and Portuguese (1.2%) A CHRISTMAS panto on the Costa del Sol has become embroiled in a racism row after a lead actor used racist language in front of dozens of kids. Britain is to increase foreign aid to Pakistan by more than £100million even though it has a space programme and nuclear weapons. A 'drug dealer' who was shot dead through his windscreen when armed police cornered a convoy of expensive cars had covered his humble home with more than ten CCTV cameras. Even before our first glimpse of the New Year’s Honours list, there were howls of complaint when news of Victoria Beckham OBE leaked out in advance. The din grew even louder when the list duly appeared and we saw other awards, notably a knighthood for the man in charge of squandering Britain’s chaotic foreign aid budget and the mandatory gongs for Tory donors. A young mother who left her ex-boyfriend with brain damage after she mowed him down in the street during a drink-driving jaunt avoided jail today Numbers of people living in the UK will top French levels in 2030 and will keep rising leading to predictions of Britain becoming the most populous country in Europe by 2050........... Migrants should learn English before they are allowed to settle here, a parliamentary group chaired by Labour MP Chuka Umunna says today. An outraged Tesco shopper demanded that people wearing pyjamas be banned from the shop after they snapped two women browsing groceries in their dressing gowns.